About  Us

Both Jeff Snyder and Malcolm McKenzie are responsible for project planning, fee proposals, and project implementation. Should you require any of our mapping services we stand ready offering aerial photography, triangulation, photogrammetric mapping, LiDAR and ortho-imagery.

Both principals are available for client consultation to provide prompt answers to your questions.

McKenzieSnyder, Inc., utilizes industry-leading equipment, Hexagon Geospatial and Cardinal Systems software with precision Leica DMC cameras ensuring the most efficient and cost-effective approach to any project. 

Malcolm C. McKenzie.

Virginia Licensed Surveyor Photogrammetrist, [License #0012].

North Carolina Professional Land Surveyor, [License #L-4101 Photogrammetry].

ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist [Certification #997].

Jeffrey L. Snyder.    

Virginia Licensed Surveyor Photogrammetrist, [License #0013].

Associates Degree, Photogrammetry, Ferris State University, MI.